The ERP Sekelekani Cooperative in Gazini, established to aid with human/elephant conflict in the KwaZulu Natal (KZN) province, continues to be successful, creating meaningful work opportunities and economic growth.

The Sekelekani Cooperative are members of the Gazini community in Northern Umhlabuyalingana near the Mozambique Border. They were affected by elephants crossing over from Mozambique in search of water and food, while walking their historical route in high drought season. This resulted in the destruction of subsistence crops on their route and instilled fear in the local community.

ERP intervened with the proposed solution of beehive fencing, along with a strategically placed borehole, and later through the establishment of chilli farms.

Earlier this year several parts of KZN, including Gazini experienced excessive and persisting rains and the Cooperative’s operations have, as a result, been greatly affected. The farmers managed to continue harvesting their just under 3 tonnes of chilli crop, once they could access the land,  resulting in income from the chilli sales.

To date, the initiative has evidenced much success and recently received a long-awaited certificate of registration, much to the delight of all its members.

We salute these women for their courage and determination in assisting to achieve the goals of ERP against all odds.

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